Jefferson County
Risk MAP Status: Current/Ongoing Project
Active Projects

Floodplain Mapping
Following the September 2013 flood disaster, Colorado has taken steps toward long-term planning and resiliency efforts for flooding and other natural hazards. In early 2015, Colorado’s Legislature passed a funding bill for the Colorado Hazard Mapping Program, which aims to provide a mitigation and land use framework in areas likely to be affected by future flooding, erosion, and debris flow events.
Jefferson County FIRM and FIS Update
A Physical Map Revision (PMR) is being completed to update the Jefferson County Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS).
LiDAR LOMA Pilot Study
LiDAR LOMA Pilot Study
St. Vrain Watershed Risk MAP Project
Preparation of updated hazard information within the St. Vrain HUC-8 watershed covering select areas in Boulder and Weld Counties, CO.